Bio-degradable Women Menstrual Cup Tubes


Looking for an eco-friendly solution to your period needs? Look no further than bio-degradable menstrual cup tubes! These tubes are made from 100% natural materials and will break down in any environment, making them a perfect choice for those who want to reduce their impact on the planet. Plus, they’re super comfortable and easy to use, so you can feel good about yourself – and the earth – every time you period comes around.

Additional information


Customized Acceptable

Packaging Style

Any style



Product Size

Customized Sizes and Shapes

Raw materials

kraft paper 150g

Surface Finishing

Customized Acceptable

Details about Bio-degradable Women Menstrual Cup Tubes

Safely and eco-friendly dispose of your menstrual cup tubes!
With these bio-degradable menstrual cup tubes, you can safely and eco-friendly dispose of your menstrual cup. Make sure to put your used menstrual cup in the tube, seal it closed, and then throw it away in the trash. These tubes are 100% biodegradable, so you can feel good about disposing of them in an eco-friendly way.


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Bio-degradable Women Menstrual Cup Tubes