The Difference Between Cigar Boxes and Cigar Packaging

There aren’t many differences between cigar boxes and cigar wrapping solutions. Packing cigars usually involves sending the cigars to a packing machine that holds the cigar holder firmly in place to move them after the cigar-making process is complete. There are several options available in the box when selecting these large rolled cigars. Whether they come in a paper fold, a small cardboard box, or a stylish cigar holder enclosure box.

In these contemporary times, the latest trends are always in vogue. Those who want to stay ahead of their peers and not be left behind by society at large should follow this guide.

Cigar Packaging Solutions

When buying or selling cigar boxes, cigars are marketed with an ornate and kraft paper look, and over the centuries many designs and patterns have been proposed for cigars according to trends and norms. In addition, they have been sold accordingly over time. There was really no need for people to look for where to buy cigar boxes. Because cigars were very popular in society. This is also the case today, as people like their wide selection and more dynamic packaging. 

Boxes or simple packaging?

While ruling the cigarette industry, it is easy to find cigars that feature beautiful and elegant packaging. Whether you are a regular smoker or an occasional smoker, you always prefer quality over quantity, as numbers are irrelevant, but what you like most is the visual presentation and flavor.

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Cigar Boxes

The cigar box is the ideal place to store your valuable cigarettes. It is made of cedar, a Spanish variety with a lovely texture and a fine finish. These will effectively protect your valuables and keep them looking fresh, thus creating a healthy smoking atmosphere.

A cigar box can be made out of any type of wood, but certain types are more popular than others. For example, eucalyptus and boxwood are used in many cases as a substitute for the original material when it is recolored or scented to better match its appearance.

Cigar Packaging

Offering a variety of colors and sizes, cigar wrappers are very attractive to buyers who can find them in any market. It’s your way to show off to others and celebrate all of life’s moments in style.

Over the years, cigar brands have adapted and changed with each new packaging trend. These cigar wrappers come in all shapes and sizes to suit any taste preference.

Over time, the demand for personalized cigar packaging has never been higher. With this trend in society and the variety of options available from online retailers, people can find what they need without any hassle.

Common cigar box styles.

There are several different types of cigar boxes with the following characteristics.

  • Bureau is a cigar box with a sliding or rotating lid. The most popular sizes are the 25 and 50 cigar holders, with some people choosing smaller or larger models depending on their preference.
  • The three-tier and eight or nine cigar boxes are often called the “8-9-8”. The 8, 9 and round sides of this box are individually numbered for each cigar.
  • A horizontal top or 13-ply, two-ply, bottom 12-ply and middle 13-ply.
  • The box has two layers of pressed cigars, the same number and evenly distributed.
  • In the design, meaning, and significance of the cigar box, artistry and complexity are evident. As a result, this craft is a collector’s item, as it demonstrates the company’s expertise with the box and design printed on it.
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Packing cigars usually means that when they are finished and forwarded to the packer, the packer holds them nice and secure for shipping. When selecting these large rolled cigars, there are a variety of options in the box to choose from that best suit your needs.

In addition, cigar boxes are a great way to store and protect your valuables. Packaging varies from paper folds for small packages to cardboard boxes that hold cigars during transportation.

With paper and cardboard wrapping, cigars are sealed for long-term use. Boxes can be convenient for packing products, but over time they will not provide security because they can break or be damaged by moisture, which can damage your cigars.

How to leave an impact with cigar boxes?

Distinguishing your brand by the boxes that make an impact on your customers is rare, but it can be done. Companies use boxes as proof of their customers’ reliability and trustworthiness.

So when you have one that says “Made in Cuba” or contains other specific information about the contents – such as weight distribution – people will know exactly how much they are getting without having to open another package.

The display also conveys quality about how high or low the actual final price of something is. Because most people judge by appearance first.

Stunning Cigar Box Package Design

Designing cigar packaging for a new product is never an easy task. It takes creativity, experience and precision to ensure that every step of production goes smoothly and without any glitches or mistakes.

The packaging design of a product can make or break it. The right look will help you stand out from your competitors and create an emotional connection with your customers, thus extending the sales cycle.

For 2021, we are looking for different styles of cigar box designs and ideas to fit your brand.

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Fashion Cigar Packaging Design

  • Natural-looking cigar boxes

Minimalism has always ruled the market, and in 2021, minimalist products will continue to be popular because they are both attractive and simple, giving you aesthetic appeal in the marketplace.

The color of your company logo is crucial, as it will define the look you want for your brand. It is best to choose neutral tones such as browns and greens for your cigar boxes so that any other colors in the design are not overwhelmed by them.

  • Smooth Textures

It is crucial to make your product feel as if it was made for a specific purpose. Many companies do this by using textured packaging and adding a sophisticated touch (such as a smooth or embossed surface) that will appeal to purchases with refined tastes.

  • Modern Art

An illustration is an art form that has been developed by cultures around the world for centuries. It is now recognized for its creativity and ability to tell a story in a way that words cannot always do justice.

In this day and age, many companies see illustration as a tool they can use when marketing their brand – to attract new customers through creativity while still appealing to the older generation with a timeless cigar.

The latest trend in the current design is boxes equipped with interesting artwork. Often, these feature bright colors or expressive silhouettes to make the greatest impact. 

The future of artwork on packaging will be more interactive. For example, through graphic design and modern illustrations, we will see creative artwork everywhere.

  • Vintage Cigar Box

Combining traditional and modern elements, this design can be applied to the nicotine industry or other industries because of its flexibility. This trend combines typefaces with colors used for packaging and tropes of vintage design that appeal to many people.

credit by jc fondeur cigar box
Credit by JC Fondeur

To get a more old-fashioned feel, use soft pastel colors. Add some white to the palette for an extra touch of nostalgia.


Make your product packaging as attractive and appealing as possible to consumers. After all, it’s the first thing they’ll see before they open the package! Make sure you allocate enough time to a quality design that involves a lot of resources so that the end result is both beautiful and high quality.

stacy hsu image
Stacy Hsu

Hi, I'm the author of this post, and I have been in this field for more than 8 years. If you want to wholesale custom printed packaging boxes related products, feel free to ask me any questions.

stacy hsu image
Stacy Hsu

Hi, I'm the author of this post, and I have been in this field for more than 8 years. If you want to wholesale custom printed packaging boxes related products, feel free to ask me any questions.

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